

When pressure builds over time, at some point, something breaks. When pressure builds along a fault line, at some point it releases an earthquake. The victims may be wondering “where did that suddenly come from?” Likewise, there are tensions building up in society today. Especially the growing gap between rich and poor. Will these erupt at some point? What are the causes and can we do something? Well, I believe we can.

This article has new idealistic/realistic ideas to get us to Utopia.

Finance Politics

Debt jubilee

If wealth concentrates (and history has shown that it does) the pressure builds up over time. This can (and has) lead to many problems. What could be a remedy? Lets look at history and see if any working solutions have ever been tried. What might work and what would be fair…


Inequality and democracy

Wealth concentration, aristocracy, inequality, democracy. Some historic perspective as to the switch from aristocracy to democracy that really happened with the population of America. As described by Alex de Tocqueville, just after the French revolution…


Men, women or the Malthusian catastrophe in slow motion

Resource shortages and peak oil! Will there be a catastrophe? Will the western empire collapse like the roman empire did?
Maybe, but it will not go very fast…